
Lapsang Souchong

Excellent at mealtime, Lapsang Souchong can also be used in cooking. Mix it with the cooking juices of a grilled chicken or roasted veal, you’ll thank me later.

C$10.00 C$0.20
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Decaf English Breakfast

Savor it with a dose of sharp English humor, such as Monty Python or Little Britain.

C$11.00 C$0.22
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Ho Ho Ho!

Enjoy HO HO HO! by the living room fire place. I f you don’t have a fire palce, YouTube can offer a solid imitation.

C$10.50 C$0.21
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Pumpkin pie

Drink it tucked in a blanket while watching the leaves fall or when the “trick or treaters” go door to door.

C$10.50 C$0.21
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English Breakfast

A great classic! It’ll make you feel as if you’re a part of the “English aristocratic society” : it's time to eat crumpets for lunch and wear your nicest hat.

C$9.50 C$0.19
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Jasmine the dragon

Jasmine the dragon has the power to turn the most unpleasant person into a fine diplomat *. The purest refinement you can find, that will let no one blanked, believe me. * According to some fuzzy studies.

C$19.50 C$0.39
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Flowery lavender

Never believe the stories of someone who has just been drinking Flowery lavender. It seems to have a strange effect.

C$10.00 C$0.20
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La vie en rose

In the good and bad moments of our life, tea plays a vital role. It's an instant contentment, a little ritual that warms our heart as soon as we hold it in our hands.

C$9.00 C$0.18
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Spicy chaï

For an optimal experience, add sugar and milk. Waggle your hips on furious Indian music. And, it’s on.

C$10.00 C$0.20
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Enchanted forest

Your focus is drifting towards the fridge? A cup of Forêt enchantée will keep you focused on tha task at hand. Like finishing your book / homework / reports / house clean up.

C$10.00 C$0.20
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Better safe than sorry. Before falling prisoner of your favorite couch, a cup of BoosT. is highly recommended.

C$11.00 C$0.22
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Green earl grey

Perfect for afternoon garden parties with friends. Or …. for your Jane Austen reading club.

C$10.00 C$0.20
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