Sencha Fukujyu

Le conseil
de Monsieur T.

Perfect for reciting haiku, gong in hand and lost in thoughts.

C$0.26 C$0.19

Sencha Fukujyu

Do you like strong green teas? You’ll love Sencha Fukujyu. As a typical Japanese green tea, it is steam softened before being rolled and dried, to keep its green color. This tea comes from Shizuoka on Fuji Yama Mountain, where half of the Japanese tea are produced. It couldn’t be more authentic!

• also available in practical sachets •

Article number: 466831
Availability: In stock
Contains: Green tea from the town of Shizuoka on Mount Fuji in Japan.
For a cup: 1 Monsieur T.'s spoon / 80°C / 2 min
Caffeine: Yes
Availability: All shops
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