Bye bye water retention

Le conseil
de Monsieur T.

Drink a liquid to retain less water? It's possible. Trust us.


Bye bye water retention

In collaboration with Clinique O'TERA, we've prepared an infusion specifically designed to lower water retention. You know that 24/7 bloated feeling you get?

Current anti water retention infusions are, how can we delicately say it ... don't taste good. We have therefore seized the opportunity to create an effective and healthy infusion, that tastes great! (insert noise of divine revelation here).

Citrus peel, mint and verbena will delight you and make you forget about other "less pleasant" ingredients, but which have superpowers, such as red vine and nettle leaves.

Article number: 464292
Availability: In stock
  • Buy 150g and save 7%
  • Buy 250g and save 15%
  • Buy 500g and save 18%
  • Buy 1000g and save 20%
Contains: Lemongrass Cut, Verbena, Peppermint, Lemon Peels, Orange Peels, Nettle Leaves, Grape Leaves (Red), Marigold, Natural Flavor.
For a cup: 3 Monsieur T.'s spoon / 95°C / 8 min
Caffeine: No
Availability: All shops.
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