Labrador tea

Le conseil
de Monsieur T.

There is not much to do in Labrador. Instead, pick your tea in one of our shops.


Labrador tea

Born from wild harvesting, Labrador tea is known to be anti-inflammatory, digestive, antibacterial and have decongesting properties. Many Native nations have adopted it to fight colds and flu.

It also possesses the role of hepatic drainer and liver cells regenerator, in addition to fighting insomnia and anxiety. Finally, it would promote the menstrual cycle and help trigger labor for women who are about to give birth.

In short, this infusion has everything going for hit, a bit like these beautiful people, smart AND popular. It feels good to see them in hot water once in a while ...

** Because of its high tannin content, high doses or prolonged infusion can cause stomach upset. This plant is also not recommended for pregnant women of six months or less and children under six years of age.


Article number: 457924
Availability: In stock
  • Buy 150g and save 7%
  • Buy 250g and save 15%
  • Buy 500g and save 18%
  • Buy 1000g and save 20%
Contains: Buds, leaves and stems of Labrador tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum).
For a cup: 30 leaves / 90°C / 5-10 min
Caffeine: No
Availability: All shops
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