Tea Green

Mango lassi

It's as if your cup of tea had decided to go on an exotic vacation and bring you with them. Get ready for an unforgettable taste adventure!

C$9.50 C$0.19
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Box of 50 - Tireless mint enveloped sachet

Enjoy it in iced tea version laying down on the beach. If you don’t have a beach nearby, we're very sorry for you.

C$2,500.00 C$50.00
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Box of 50 - Sencha Fukujyu enveloped sachet

Perfect for reciting haiku, gong in hand and lost in thoughts.

C$2,500.00 C$50.00
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Box of 50 - Green magic enveloped sachet

Typically Green magic can be used to reconnect with nature, or protect yourself from the evil eye; but when it comes to tea, I prefer to rely on antioxidants.

C$2,500.00 C$50.00
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Awakened T.

If you are passionate about Gaelic poetry, you could opt for a caffeine-free beverage instead.

C$11.00 C$0.22
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Sencha Gyokuro Okabe

The leaves can be infused two to three times in a row, each time extending the infusion time. Yeah, that’s right, sometimes I give real advice.

C$21.00 C$0.42
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Flu buster

Better safe than sorry. Before "grumbling like a monster", trust the powers of ginger and do not underestimate the hours of sleep.

C$10.00 C$0.20
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Almond-coco cookie

It's cold outside ? Good. You have a reason to drink Almond-coco cookie tea.

C$10.50 C$0.21
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Since it does not contain a lot of caffeine, it’s a perfect tea for an evening beverage. After that, you can do whatever you want!

C$10.50 C$0.21
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Enjoy it in the afternoon while listening to Madame Butterfly.

C$9.00 C$0.18
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Ho Ho Ho!

Enjoy HO HO HO! by the living room fire place. I f you don’t have a fire palce, YouTube can offer a solid imitation.

C$10.50 C$0.21
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Jasmine the dragon

Jasmine the dragon has the power to turn the most unpleasant person into a fine diplomat *. The purest refinement you can find, that will let no one blanked, believe me. * According to some fuzzy studies.

C$19.00 C$0.38
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